
Lesley-Ann Brandt honours her Cape Flats roots in her new role

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Lesley-Ann Brandt as Thorne. (Gene Page/AMC)
Lesley-Ann Brandt as Thorne. (Gene Page/AMC)

Lesley-Ann Brandt has become somewhat of a national treasure. She has gained legions worldwide since her role as Mazikeen in the wildly popular Lucifer, but here in her home country, she is adored.

This was evident when she stepped onto the main stage at Comic-Con Cape Town. Crowds cheered, and one could hardly find a seat to watch her interview with the master of ceremonies, DJ Elliot. Even when the audience was given a chance to ask questions, many just gushed about how much they admired her and saw her as a role model.

Born in Cape Town, Brandt was only 18 when she emigrated with her family to Auckland, New Zealand. There, she was a model and actor before making her big break on Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Then, she became a household name as the iconic Mazikeen in Lucifer.

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